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Hello lovely soul, I'm so happy you're here!

I can’t wait to support you in cultivating compassion, so you can foster a life in which you flourish (flaws and all).


Grab a cuppa, get cozy, and stay awhile. Gift yourself time to indulge your curiosity and discover how you can gently honour your soul desires.

Your deepest desire is to reconnect to and embody your true power.

To be you, the real you, free from attachment to external approval.

To feel free from shoulds, striving and self-doubt.

To find self-love and belief, so you can honour

what really matters to you... at a soul level.

To feel like warm sunshine inside.

Words from my upcoming book, The Midlife Awakening

Image by Kristopher Roller


Self-Doubt. Shoulds. Suppression. 

The not-so-subtle dream killers, that keep us safe, stuck and small. 

What if rather than ruminate about regrets, you gave yourself permission to compassionately cultivate a life you love, alongside a small gathering of like-hearted souls on the same journey?

I'm here to gently guide you through simple, soulful embodiment, expression & energy practices. 

Encouraging you to move past doubts and fears, so that you trust your intuition and start living in a way that lights up your soul.



I believe if we all learn to live in a way that lights us up, together we will create a brighter world. 


It took me over four decades and a death to honour and own my lifelong dream to be a writer.


Writing and creative expression are the unsung heroes that saved my life when it unexpectedly and spectacularly fell apart in midlife.


I couldn't be (or breathe) without them.

Words make me feel like warm sunshine inside.


This is why I'm now on a mission to lovingly encourage gentle and neurosparkly souls to cultivate compassion and rekindle their sparkle, so they can craft soul-satisfying lives.


Cultivate Your Compassion
Rekindle Your Sparkle
Nourish Your Soul


If the last three years have shown us anything, it's to seize the day and stop pushing our desires aside until someday.

However, knowing this doesn't make it any easier to get started.

I offer nourishing resources, experiences and community for those who want to honour their soul but worry it’s too late.

Together, we explore gentle ways to embrace our enoughness, make friends with fear, and nurture our souls.

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I’m Helen Grace MacGregor, founder of

I’m passionate about gently encouraging gentle and neurodivergent souls to unapologetically embrace, embody and express who they came here to be, so they can flourish in a world that equates worth with productivity.


I walked many paths as I journeyed back home to my true self. The entire time, I was accompanied by the inner call to help people and write.

I nailed the first part over the years. Not so much the second... 

After escaping my former health professional career, I spent two decades working as a Shiatsu and Cranio-Sacral therapist and later as a soul guide, yoga, and Qoya teacher.

My insatiable drive to understand what makes humans tick led me to train with some of the best embodiment and energy teachers in the Western world. I slowly remembered my real self as I shared my learnings and held space for others to do the same.

In 2017, I wrote and successfully crowdfunded my first book, The Magical Unfolding: 8 Magical Processes for Peace, Potential and Purpose (as Helen Rebello).


This mission-led book was my love letter to the world. Part memoir, part manifesto, and part roadmap for returning home to your true self, it marked a turning point in my work and in my sense of self-worth.

Helen Grace MacGregor with glittery face
Helen Grace MacGregor's Unfold Your Magic tattoo

Years of fertility issues had previously seen me question my worth as a woman. Cultivating space and courage to create, so I could help others and honour my heart, restored my self-worth. And truly, deeply satisfied my soul.

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The plot twist...

In 2019, only 8 months after my book release, life threw me a huge turning point. My long and happy marriage unexpectedly ended overnight after one conversation.


The pandemic arrived soon after. As the UK locked down 2 days before my 50th birthday,

I'd never felt more alone.


Life felt like it was falling apart and in many ways it was. But holding my heart tenderly in one hand and my shreds of courage in the other, I slowly and gently began reorientating

and recalibrating to the life I wasn't expecting to have.


Since then, I've been on a journey to rediscover who I am without the usual labels of wife

or mother, or the comfort zone of the known.


Navigating by intuition and leaning on trust, I've since relocated twice, had two charity jobs, unexpectedly fallen in love but had my heart broken, and begun rebuilding a life I love. It's been messy, scary, and lonely. I've cried a million tears, faced my biggest fears, and still come up smiling.


My midlife turning point has enriched my life more than I envisioned.

This is why I'm Doing Life Differently in my next life chapter. Again...

The bigger plot twist...

Having birthed a book, podcast, women's circles, and multiple courses over the years, I recently discovered that my multi-passionate Should-free, Soul-full approach to life can be explained by the fact I've unknowingly lived with ADHD for over 5 decades. 

The tale doesn't end there... an additional ASD diagnosis awaits; it seems my brain is very neurosparkly. It explains my entire life. EVERYTHING. Despite my intuition and people-whispering abilities, I did NOT see that coming!

Now that I know my brain is motivated by what excites it, I'm following the path that calls my soul. It feels big, vulnerable, and scary, but despite that, it's the thing I can't NOT do.  Consequently, I'm doing a long-desired Creative Writing and Wellbeing MA and editing my second book, The Midlife Awakening. 


I'm also encapsulating two decades' worth of experiential and embodied wisdom and training into a new body of work. I want to help you foster a flourishing life, even if, like me, you’re a neurodivergent, single, childless-not-by-choice midlife(ish) creative!

I believe it’s never too late to create, and your soul-led life doesn’t have to wait. 

Here's to living and working in a way that sparks your soul, whatever life chapter you're in. One simple step at a time. 

#celebratingdifferences #lookwhatlovedid #followyourbliss

Helen Grace MacGregor smiling after a workshop
Extra tea for the extra curious...
Main Certifications & Training*

*If I included ALL the courses I've completed, you'd probably wonder if I'm a millionaire with a time machine. Let's just say my curiosity has led the way and my brain loves to learn and play.

2023 - 2024

MA in Creative Writing & Wellbeing
Teeside University


Somatic Attachment Therapy Cert
The Embody Lab


Qoya Teacher Training


Restorative Yoga Teacher Training
Judith Hanson Lasater


Scaravelli Yoga Teacher Training
Yoga Health Mandala

2010 - 2012

Cranio-Sacral Therapy Diploma
College of Cranio-Sacral Therapy

2003 - 2007

Shiatsu Diploma
British School of Shiatsu-Do

2000 - 2002

PgDip: Medical Imaging
University of Hertfordshire

1995 - 1998

BSc (Hons) Diagnostic Radiography

University College Suffolk

You might also like to know...

I’m an INFP, generator in Human Design,

maven/maker in Sparketypes, enneagram 9

and an intuitive, introverted empath. 

My Sun is in Aries.

Then Scorpio all the way - Moon & Rising.

I'm a Reiki Master. How precious a gift that's been.


I have dyspraxia and dyscalculia, which has made me highly adaptable; useful when you're number blind!


I have endless curiosity, an appreciation for life and an innate ability to see things differently.

I've lived seasonally since 2003, when I started my Shiatsu training. After my hysterectomy, aged 42, I embraced

lunar living to follow a cycle.

Helen means 'bright light' or shining one. It was my second name when I was born, but I've used it since I was 2.

I changed my name by deed poll to Helen Grace MacGregor on 21/3/22, to honour my ancestral roots and lovingly release my former married self a year before my divorce.

I don't usually see my own light fully, but I see the light in everyone I meet.


#truestory 🌝

I love

Freshly brewed coffee and gluten-free chocolate brownies 👌🏻

Kittens and puppies - they make my heart smile 🐱

Magnolia trees in bloom. A brief gift of utter beauty 🌱

Quiet soulful deep thinkers with big hearts & a creator soul 🙌

Craggy coasts and deep blue sea 🌎

 John O’Donohue, David Whyte, Sarah Blondin & Hiro Boga 👌

Sound - in many forms. It moves my soul 🎵

I’ve loved words since forever. I love that I get to use words in my work ✍️

Speaking of which, I’ve learned that LOVE is all that matters 💝

Come over to the soul side.
We’ve got magic 🪄

Meet other gentle dream-weaving souls in the community.

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© 2024 Made with love by Helen Grace  💖  Created with

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